Bank Windhoek supports MTC's Knockout Project to fight homelessness

On Monday, 14 September 2020, Bank Windhoek's Executive Officer of Marketing and Corporate Communication Services, Jacquiline Pack, announced that the Bank had contributed N$ 50 000 towards Mobile Telecommunications Company's (MTC) Knockout Project. Pack delivered the news at an event hosted by MTC in Windhoek.

Pack said Bank Windhoek is proud to join MTC on its Knockout Project, aiming to address homelessness in Namibia. “Housing is one of the key social issues our country is facing, and it requires a collaborative effort from all sectors to make an impact," she said. “Furthermore, COVID-19 has placed the urgency on the main social issues that our country faces, and housing is at the centre of it all."

MTC's Manager of Corporate Affairs, John Ekongo, welcomed and received Bank Windhoek's support.

Mathias to represent the Bank

Pack revealed that Presidential Advisor for Youth and Enterprise Development, Daisry Mathias, will represent the Bank at the Knockout Project's grand event. Pack elaborated why the Bank chose Mathias, saying that her passion for Namibian brands persuaded Bank Windhoek to select her as its representative and that Mathias' brand values align with those of the Bank. “Thank you for taking up this challenge to partner with Bank Windhoek," said Pack, as she wished Mathias the best.  

In her acceptance remarks, Mathias said the MTC Knockout Project objective aligns with the Presidency's fight against poverty and income inequality.  She added that the initiative could not have been better to complement the government's efforts. “I am excited that truly Namibian home-grown brands like Bank Windhoek and MTC understand our home issues. These are community challenges, and we have to respond as leaders but also as citizens of the county," said Mathias, who will perform songs by well-known Gospel artist, Pride Panashe.

The MTC Knockout Project started in 2019 as a social intervention programme with the specific purpose of addressing societal issues within Namibian communities. Last year's initiative aimed to create awareness around Gender-Based Violence in society. With its second edition launched in July 2020, the Project aims to raise at least one million dollars for housing the homeless, under the theme "Together we can beat homelessness." It also aims to raise awareness, create conversation and find solutions to combat homelessness. 

The Project will see 30 Namibian personalities on stage at a live music concert performing two hit songs by 30 famous Namibian artists. Performers are from diverse fields within the Namibian society from sectors such as the arts, health, banking, fashion, industrial, technology, insurances, and mining sectors. The grand event will take place on Saturday, 3 October 2020, at the National Theatre of Namibia. Online tickets cost N$50 and N$500 for live theatre tickets. 

Pack concluded that Bank Windhoek believes in making Namibia a better place. “We believe that together we can do so much better," she said.

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