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The Bank Windhoek sponsored Schumacher Bonsmara Production Auction, which took place on Tuesday, 21 September 2021, achieved an average of N$ 61 762 for bulls and N$24 581 for heifers and cows. Hosted at the Agra/Bank Windhoek Ring in the Capital, the auction delivered a turnover of just over three million Namibian dollars. Including stud and commercial livestock, the highest price at the auction was N$100 000 paid for a Bonsmara bull.=

With Okozonduno Bonsmaras of Vetumbuavi Mungunda as a guest seller, the Schumacher Bonsmara Production Auction saw 105 Bonsmaras comprising 25 bulls and 80 females go under the hammer. “Together with the Okozonduno Bonsmaras, we managed to put our best animals of 2021 on sale. A great deal of effort and hard work has brought us to this point," said Marc Schumacher. “However, it would not have been possible if we did not have a good and solid support system such as the one received from Bank Windhoek," he said.

Bank Windhoek's Executive Officer of Business Banking, Leon Koch, said it is a privilege to have offered financial assistance to the event and potential buyers during challenging times. "The agricultural sector is still recovering after a long drought," he said. “While the good rain that we saw last season went a long way to alleviating the immediate effects of drought, recovery is steady and on the up," he said. 

Potential buyers who took part in the Schumacher Bonsmara Production Auction had the option of applying for financing from Bank Windhoek before and during the event.

Koch said that the Bank remains committed to supporting the agricultural sector as a connector of positive change. He concluded that Bank Windhoek recognises that proper financial support is required for those who have a passion for agriculture. "When they need it the most, we will support where possible," said Koch. 

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